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Enabling youth agency to create the next-generation workforce

The Momentum Foundation is excited to launch The Boardroom Initiative in partnership with Junity.


With the support of the community, the Momentum Foundation changes the trajectory of youths’ lives by breaking down barriers to quality opportunities and tackling unemployment challenges in the workplace.


Vision Statement

We envision a world where talented youth are more easily connected to desirable employment opportunities and go on to lead fulfilling and financially secure lives.


The BoardRoom Initiative

The BoardRoom Initiative (BRI) serves high school students curious about their career aspirations and questioning the potential pathways to achieve their goals. BRI assembles a group of local advisors and career consultants that act as a personalized advisory board to each student based on interest-driven career clusters that ultimately meet the needs of the community.

The Goal of the BRI initiative is to use Junity as a technology to enable instant and impactful interaction between youth and their advisors, exposing students to various skills, training, and professional acumen through the subject matter experts within any given career field.

The Momentum Foundation (T.M.F) Board


Steven Hernandez

See Linkedin


Janoye Williams

Millie Hemming

John Korber

Chizi Uwaga

Alula Shiferaw

Frank Sentner

Daniel Ackeret

Ebony Atwell

Volunteer to be an advisor at TMF

DONATE to our Giving Tuesday Campaign!
